Commworx has and still are a Business Partner with Downer assisting with the NBN rollout for the past five years, working throughout Sydney and across regional NSW. Commworx has trained and maintained resources to cover the changing technologies in this complex space FTTP (Fibre to the Premise), FTTN (Fibre to the Node which includes copper works) HFC (Hybrid Fibre Coax).
Commworx provides our clients with a full Turnkey solution, which includes:
- Existing Pit and Duct investigation, mapping and clearing
- Fibre and Copper cable installation
- Telstra Asbestos pit remediation
- Pit and Duct installation
- Node installation and termination
- Fibre splicing and Copper terminations
- Non-Destructive excavation “Vac Truck.”
- Civil construction
- Electrical ASP connection works